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نسخة تجريبية

Vice Rectorate for Academic Affairs


The Vice Rectorate for Academic Affairs is considered the heart of the university, as it supervises the educational process in the various colleges and programs. Furthermore, it is responsible for the implementation of the operational plan regarding the teaching and learning initiatives. It also supervises the Educational Affairs Department, which includes the Department of Libraries and Learning Resources, Plans and Curricula, the E-Learning Department, and the Teaching and Learning Unit.


A distinguished administration that seeks to advance the outcomes of Prince Muqrin University to the ranks of leading international universities in teaching and learning, scientific research, and community service.


To Foster Academic Excellence in learning and teaching with research and innovation for the preparation of future leaders.


  • Improving the quality of education and training.
  • - To promote a unique educational experience that fosters creativity, innovation, and research.
    To maintain the highest standards of teaching for faculty members through continuous professional development.

  • Developing the performance of academic affairs.
  • Improving learning outcomes and graduate attributes.

General Duties of the Vice Rectorate

  • 1.    Assisting the President in managing the colleges and administrations linked to the vice rectorate organizationally.
  • 2.    Managing educational affairs at the university and working to overcome the problems facing the faculties, programs, and deanships.
  • 3.    Training and qualifying male and female faculty members in the fields of teaching and learning, measurement, evaluation, and scientific research.
  • 4.    Developing study plans at the university in line with the requirements of the labor market.
  • 5.    Supervising the implementation of university policies in admission, registration, and student activities.
  • 6.    Participate in providing the competent academic staff necessary for all university programs.
  • 7.    Follow up on the use of educational technologies in the educational process.
  • 8.    Preparing guides and publications introducing university programs.
  • 9.    Implementation of national and international academic partnerships.
  • 10.    Supervising the preparation of plans for the development of educational technology services provided to the university.

2.    About the Vice Rectorate


Academic Affairs’ Vice Rector Message

In the name of Allah and prayer and peace be upon the Messenger of Allah; As for after:

I am pleased to welcome you to the Vice Rectorate for Academic Affairs website. I hope that you find your purpose in it.  We aspire to contribute to achieving the mission and strategic objectives of teaching, learning, academic and student affairs within the university. We at the Vice Rectorate strive to achieve the goals of the vision and mission of the university in general, which are consistent with the Kingdom's Vision 2030 and seek to achieve its goals and major initiatives related to the development of society and people, the development of human capital and community service through the units of education, research and community service.
The pioneering role played by the University Vice Rectorate for Academic Affairs, which revolves around developing programs and study plans and verifying their quality with the participation of the entities and units associated with it within the university. The vice rectorate, also, seeks to obtain national and international institutional and program accreditation to open a broader horizon for the prosperity of the university and to expand the segment of the beneficiaries from the university services and maximize its impact on society.
We look forward to your fruitful and constructive communication and suggestions, and we hope that we will be proactive in achieving what you aspire to from the university and that you would like to help us in reaching it.




The Organizational Chart 


Vice Rectorate 

Dr. Barakat Makrami

Asistant vice Rector for Academic Affairs

(Male Campus)

Asistant vice Rector for Academic Affairs

(Female Campus)





Educational Affairs Department




College of Engineering


College of Computer and Cyber Sciences


College of Business and Tourism 




Deanship of Student Affairs


Deanship of Educational Services


Teaching and Learning Unit


E - Learning Unit


Plans and Curricula Unit


International and Domestic Cooperation Unit


Library and Learning Section

Standing Committees


1.    Planning for the agency and following up on the work of its affiliates through semi-annual reports. 

2.    Supervising the preparation of a unified schedule for the university and ensuring that it is entered into the system according to the specified dates. 

3.    Following up on the early registration, deletion, and addition procedures and the problems that students encounter when registering and suggest solutions to them in coordination with the Deanship of Student Affairs. .

4.    General supervision of academic advising. 

5.    Following up  on the progress of the study and solve any problems that hinder the educational process. 

6.    Supervising the preparation of the necessary controls for excuses for final and semester exams and absence in general, and the mechanism of working on them in coordination with the Deanship of Student Affairs.

 7.    Reviewing the student's deprivation lists and enact any laws to control absence in case there are observations that require it.

 8.    Supervising the conduct of the final exams and the colleges' readiness for them and resolving any problems that hinder the colleges from doing so.

 9.    Adopting the recommendations of the Student Affairs Committee. 

10.    Following up on grade entry reports and ensure compliance with monitoring controls

 11.    Studying any academic phenomenon that may emerge at the university and making clear policies and procedures for it.

 12.    Preparing and updating the faculty guidebook. 

13.    Study the colleges' needs of faculty members and the like.

 14.    Studying proposals for establishing new colleges, institutes, or centers, or introducing new scientific programs or departments.

  15.    Studying everything related to the admission policy for students and following up on the issues of graduates.

 16.    Supervising the evaluation and development of faculty members and the like.

17.    Carrying out other tasks assigned to it by the university rector in the field of academic affairs or transactions referred to it for study. 

18.    The committee has the right to form sub-committees among its members or from others when needed.

 19.    The committee invites whomever it wants to its meetings if the need arises


1.    Create a plan to manage the final exams.

2.    Supervising the final exams schedule and approving a unified version for both Campus and colleges.

3.    Develop a proposal for the final examination policies.

4.    Create an executive plan to administer the exams, clarify the roles and tasks, and define the position.

5.    Supervising the conduct of examinations in each college.

6.    Ensure that all exam halls and departments are ready for exams.

7.    Making protocols for managing exams, approving them, and announcing them before the exams.

8.    Prepare a report on the exams and lessons learned and submit it to the President of the University.

9.    Studying what is referred to the committee by its president or the university president.


 1. Preparing and updating manuals and forms for preparing curricula and study plans in line with the requirements of the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment and the Saudi Qualifications Framework.

2. Studying programs and study plans received from the colleges or the Board of Trustees and taking the necessary recommendations in this regard.

3. Recommending proposals for new departments and study programs, or suspending or legalizing admission to old programs, and studying any other tasks assigned to it in this regard.

4. Periodic review of the current study programs to develop them to improve the outcomes of these programs to comply with the developments in the labor market and quality standards in higher education.

5. Supervising the program implementation plan and its integration mechanism with the university's electronic systems and applications according to an appropriate phase.

6. Supervising the closure of the quality department at the university for each semester.

7. The committee invites whomever it wants to its meetings if the need arises


1. Recommending the appointment of faculty members at the university in accordance by the university regulations.

2. Recommending academic promotions for faculty members at the university according to the rules approved by the  Universities  Affairs  Council.

3. Approving the necessary regulations for organizing and attending scientific conferences.

4. Encouraging scientific research, writing,  authorship,  translation,   and publication.  

Vice-Rectorate’s Guidelines, Regulations, and Forms

Guidelines, regulations, and forms approved on the site are uploaded for browsing and downloading.

University Of Prince Mugrin - Male campus


Al Aqool, Medina 42241,

Saudi Arabia
Tel: 920000238

University Of Prince Mugrin - Female campus


Al Aqool, Medina 42241,

Saudi Arabia
Tel: 920000238