Home | Success Partners نظرة عامة شركائنا التعاون مع شركائنا يمثل سبيلاً نحو تحقيق إنجازات كبيرة شركة البحر الأحمر الدولية يقدم برنامج منح شركة البحر الأحمر الدولية منحًا دراسية كاملة لخريجي...
Home | About UPM | About UPM Our Vision A University rooted in values, socially impactful, nationally distinguished, and globally oriented. Our Mission Empowering the individual and the community...
Home | About UPM | About UPM Our Vision A University rooted in values, socially impactful, nationally distinguished, and globally oriented. Our Mission Empowering the individual and the community...
Home | UPM Statistics Statistics 100 students 178 alumni 32 tenured or tenure-track professors 12 Academic Programes 2044 Enrolled Students 561 Graduate Students 86% Employment rate for graduate...