Dr. Ghassan Al-Sulaiman Award
Excellency Dr. Ghassan Al-Sulaiman Award for
The concept of the "Dr. Ghassan Al-Sulaiman Excellence and Innovation Award" was launched as part of the direction towards establishing and localizing a culture of excellence, and promoting the concept of creativity in order to achieve a standard of excellence in higher education. It also aims to seeks to promote continuous development, focus on students, and appreciate their efforts and distinction in the fields of creativity, excellence, and entrepreneurship. This award is designed to encourage and promote active initiatives and projects among students in higher education. The award revolves around two categories: outstanding innovation and outstanding entrepreneurial project.
It is worth mentioning that this award is presented annually at the university level according to specific criteria, in line with the concepts of quality, excellence, and innovation. The award targets all university students from various colleges, programs, and specializations. The award's secretariat seeks to achieve a number of objectives, which are as follows:
- Stimulating creative students and adopting their ideas.
- Encouraging positive competition among university students to achieve creativity and excellence in innovative and entrepreneurial fields.
- Encouraging colleges, scientific departments, and various university units to compete in applying the standards of creativity and excellence.
- Promoting a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among students.
In closing, we ask Allah, the Magnificient and Sublime, to grant these efforts success, to make this award a benefit to university students, and to drive the students toward excellence and innovation, Indeed He is ever able to do so.
Award Committee
Dr. Ghassan AlSulaiman
General supervisor of the award
Dr. Bander Hajjar
Vice Rector Business Development
Dean of Educational Services
Member & General Secretary
Student Affairs Director
Dr. Omar Tayan
Ms. Razan Alnuzh
University students from all colleges and majors.
General Objectives
o Motivating creative male and female students and adopting their ideas.
o Encouraging positive competition among university students to achieve innovation and excellence in innovative and entrepreneurial fields.
o Encouraging colleges, scientific departments, and various university units to compete in applying creativity and excellence standards.
o Spreading the culture of initiatives among male and female students.
o Enhancing the efficiency of students in the field of creativity and entrepreneurial work.
o Marketing innovative projects and entrepreneurial ideas.
Conditions and Criteria for Nomination
-The applicant must be currently registered at the University of Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz.
-Must have a good reputation and behavior.
o The student's cumulative GPA should not be less than 2.00.
-The innovation or entrepreneurial work submitted should not have won a previous local or international award.
• The works submitted to both branches may be joint. Members from outside the university may join as long as they do not exceed 50% of the team's total number of members.
Selection Criteria:
- Section One: Innovative Project:
Stages of the Innovative Project:
● The first stage is the thinking stage that produces the "idea" on which the innovator relies.
● The second stage is the action stage that presents the "product" embodied in technical fields with a device that performs the required function, or a technical method that simulates the targeted device to be made, and which is embodied in human fields with a written subject that addresses an interesting issue in an innovative way.
● The third stage is the stage of transferring the product to the "market" to generalize the benefits it provides to those who need them.
● The fourth stage is the results, meaning the "impact" provided by the innovator and the contribution he makes.
● Participants can submit their entries from the end of the second stage onwards, with an explanation of proposals for future stages of innovation or invention.

General Terms and Conditions
The announcement of the award is made through the Higher Committee for Awards.
The announcement of the award is made through the Higher Committee for Awards.
The winner of any award is not allowed to apply for the same award until at least one competitive cycle has passed.
The award secretariat stores all works, documents, evidence, and submitted documents.
The award secretariat stores all works, documents, evidence, and submitted documents.
The applicant for the award must adhere to its criteria, certificates, and evidence, and not attach any documents unrelated to the award criteria.
The applicant must be currently registered at the University of Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz.
The applicant must be currently registered at the University of Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz.
The applicant must be currently registered at the University of Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz.
The applicant must be currently registered at the University of Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz.
The applicant must be currently registered at the University of Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz.
The applicant must be currently registered at the University of Prince Muqrin bin Abdulaziz.
Conditions and Specifications for the Innovation Track:
● The second stage is the action stage that presents the "product" embodied in technical fields with a device that performs the required function, or a technical method that simulates the targeted device to be made, and which is embodied in human fields with a written subject that addresses an interesting issue in an innovative way.
● The third stage is the stage of transferring the product to the "market" to generalize the benefits it provides to those who need them.
● The fourth stage is the results, meaning the "impact" provided by the innovator and the contribution he makes.
● Participants can submit their entries from the end of the second stage onwards, with an explanation of proposals for future stages of innovation or invention.
Conditions and Specifications for the Innovation Track:
In addition to complying with the general participation requirements, the following is required for submissions in the Innovation Track:
1. Originality of the idea and its possessing a creative element.
2. Attention to the technical aspect of the idea.
3. The innovation should present a new concept or a significant development of a previous idea.
4. The student should provide a visual presentation in clear English, which should include the following:
- Introduction of the innovative project or product, clearly stating its purpose, materials, and uses of each material.
- Detailed explanation of the working methodology in a logical order.
- Clarification through necessary illustrations, a colored and high-resolution image of the innovation model. If the submission has reached the third or fourth stage, it should also include an explanation of the nature of the product or service resulting from the innovation.
- Development of a financial and marketing plan, an economic feasibility study, and future financial and marketing plans.
- Identification of the social impact of the project and determination of the target market.
- Assignment of tasks to each team member in the project, if there are multiple participants, without mentioning the participants' names, universities, or supervisors.
5. If the innovation has received financial support from any external funding entity outside the university, or if there are rights to the project or idea held by any other party, a letter of consent from the funding entity or concerned party must be attached to participate in the award.
6. Inclusion of the patent from the granting authority if available.
Section Two: Entrepreneurial Project:
Conditions and specifications for entrepreneurial projects:
In addition to complying with the general participation requirements, the following are required for participation in business industry projects:
1. The submission should be innovative and present a new idea or a developed idea based on a previous one.
2. It should be entrepreneurial and address economic issues.
3. The project should have been previously implemented, transformed into a practical model, and marketed.
4. If the project has received financial support from any external granting authority or if there are rights to the project or idea held by another entity, a letter of consent from the granting authority must be included with the submission.
5. The student should deliver a visual presentation in clear language (English), including the following:
✔ Introduction to the entrepreneurial project or product, clearly stating its purpose, materials, and uses of each material.
✔ Detailed explanation of the working methodology in the project, organized logically.
✔ Illustrations and a high-resolution colored image of the innovation model, and if the submission has reached the third or fourth stage, the presentation must also include an explanation of the nature of the product or service that resulted from the innovation.
✔ Development of a financial and marketing plan, an economic feasibility study for the project, and future financial and marketing plans.
✔ Identification of the project's social impact and the target market.
✔ Determination of the time taken to transform the project into practical reality and the market that was targeted with the project, as well as defining each team member's role (entrepreneurs) in the project in case of multiple participants, without mentioning the participants' names, universities, or supervisors.
Mechanism of Nomination:
The student nominates himself or his team for the Dr. Ghassan Al-Sulaiman Excellence Award for Creativity through the following steps:
o Submitting an application on the electronic platform.
o Filling out the designated form.
o Attaching his resume, highlighting his previous achievements.
• Attaching all documents and evidence of the idea (entrepreneurial project - innovative).
o Ensuring the validity of the nominations by verifying that the candidates have completed the nomination requirements.
o Reviewing the evidence, documents, and verifying their compliance with the criteria and appropriateness of the allocated grades for the criteria.
o Reviewing the evaluation procedures carried out by the judging committee and ensuring the accuracy of the procedures according to the grades and evidence.